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Featured Services

PT Sentosa Indonesia Consultant (SEIC) provide to Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), and Business to Governement (B2G) permit services in various sectors such as oil and gas, mining, industrial estate, residential, educational, institutional, warehouse, and/or mercantile building, as well as small and medium enterprise (SME).

We help various sector companies accelerate sustainable and inclusive growth by guiding their journey to comply over Indonesia Government Regulation. 

We always want to ensure our Website easy to connect with you regardless of your business field. Our main concern is to help proposed potential solution for your business.

We provide Excellent Services in order to give you a flexible, powerful, personalized, and secured experience.

Our Commercial Tools has everything you need to run a successful project strategy that grows a high quality performance of project.


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Our Business Capabilities

Business Establishment Services

Design Engineering Services

Fixed Building Business Fields

Fixed Environmental Business Fields

Fixed Transportation Business Fields

Mining Business License Services

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